How To Reset Sony FDR-AX1E 4K Camcorder To Factory Settings

Last Updated on June 20, 2022 by Nick

How To Reset Sony FDR-AX1E 4K Camcorder To Factory Settings – Just in time for IFA 2013, Sony is presenting a new camcorder. Thanks to 4K support, the Handycam FDR-AX1E can save images and videos in 3,840 x 2,160 pixels. With the FDR-AX1E, Sony offers a camcorder FDR-AX1E “for everyone” who wants to bring high-resolution filming to ambitious amateur filmmakers.

The image sensor, lens, storage medium, and the new Handycam video compression process are ideally equipped for 4K and coordinated. Creative image design options, handling, and the included editing software meet professional requirements.

How To Reset Sony FDR-AX1E 4K Camcorder To Factory Settings

How To Reset Sony FDR-AX1E 4K Camcorder To Factory Settings

Time needed: 7 minutes

There are several reasons you need to reset your Sony FDR-AX1 to factory settings, such as when you want to sell it or when a system error. In this article, we will provide information about resetting the shooting settings and all setup menu settings to their default values.

  1. Turn on your camera

    Make sure your camera has enough power

  2. Press the MENU button to access the main menu

    The button is located near the screen
    sony factory reset

  3. Go to the [wp-svg-icons icon=”wrench” wrap=”i”] SYSTEM menu

    Use the navigation button to highlight the menu and SET button to select

  4. Scroll down and find ALL RESET

    Press the SET button to enter the menu
    sony factory reset menu

  5. Select RESET

    Highlight RESET and then press SET button

  6. If a message appears on the display, select OK to execute the reset


These instructions are based on the Sony owner’s manual. Hopefully, the article How To Reset Sony FDR-AX1E 4K Camcorder To Factory Settings can solve your problem. Good Luck!

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