2014-2022 Ram Promaster Oil Life/Oil Change Light Reset Guide
|Last Updated on February 17, 2022 by Nick
Hey, what’s up, everybody! Today I’ll be resetting the oil life or oil change light on Ram Promaster. I’ll show you what steps you need to do the job and a few tips along the way. This is applicable for 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Ram Promaster.
The job itself is pretty straightforward. It does require just a little bit of patience when it comes to getting the oil light. You just need your foot and your key. There is no tool to need to get the job done. So let’s get started.
2014-2022 Ram Promaster Oil Life/Oil Change Light Reset Guide
Time needed: 3 minutes
Alright, we have a 2015 Ram Promaster, and I’m going to show you how to reset the maintenance light when it’s asking for an oil change. So what you’re going to do is:
- Turn on the ignition
First, you’re gonna go ahead and have the key on the on position by turning it twice
- Depress and release the GAS pedal 3 times
Then you’re just gonna step the GAS pedal with your foot and you’re gonna press it three times
- Start the car
After that, that’ll clear the light so the light is now reset. To confirm this, you’ll turn it back off and then start it up so the light should be clear and they won’t give you a message for an oil change
So that’s how easy it is. Read also my other post. We’re going to be doing a lot of maintenance repair content coming up and a whole lot of performance modifications as well. All different makes and models will be doing a twin-turbo setup on this car sooner or later. So definitely be sure to follow to site that way to keep up with everything we’re doing. Thanks for stopping by, and have a great day.