Morning, Nissan fam! So good to see you. Today we’re going to do something simple, easy, and fixable. We’re going to reset the oil service light on this Nissan NV200. So let’s going to get started.
So you’ve been driving your NV200, and the oil maintenance warning indicator came on. Once you’ve changed your oil now, you need to reset your service intervals. So let’s get upfront and guide you through the procedure you will need to do this job.
Time needed: 3 minutes
This is how to reset your service warning light on your Nissan NV200. We’re going to be using the ❏ left-hand knob. We’re gonna be twisting it to scroll and pressing it to select. So let me do that right now.
We’re not going to be starting the vehicle up, so turn the key until you get to on position
Then from where it is, press the left knob until it comes around to SETTINGS
From there we go twist the knob clockwise to DETAIL and press the knob to get in
After that, you’ll come up with the settings menu. So turning it clockwise to go down to the MAINTENANCE and you press it
Now you twist the knob clockwise again to go to SERVICE
At this time you need to hold down the knob on the service and it will come up with the Reset option
Next, select RESET and confirm it to perform the service reset
For your info, this operation work for the first generation of the Nissan NV200 (2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 model years).
So there you have it. I hope everyone enjoyed this content. Please share it if you haven’t already, and as I do more posts on maintenance and stuff on this vehicle, I will put them in categories and tag them all together. So thanks for your time, and we’ll catch y’all next fun.
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