Ford Flex: How To Reset Oil Life/Oil Change Light (2013-2019)

Last Updated on November 15, 2021 by Nick

Hello, sunshine! Wishing you got a day full of sunny smiles. On today’s short service light reset walkthrough demonstration, we will do the oil life, or oil change light reset on a Ford Flex. So this model here we have the two model small LCD on the dash.

When the engine oil life is less than 10%, you’ll see the Change Engine Oil Soon Light on the screen. So after you get an oil change or change the oil yourself, you’re going to have to reset the oil life back, so it’s not popping up when you start the car. So let’s get right up in this.

Ford Flex: How To Reset Oil Life/Oil Change Light (2013-2019)

Ford Flex: How To Reset Oil Life/Oil Change Light (2013-2019)

For your info, this guide will be valid for the second generation of the Ford Flex (2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 model years).

With Dual Dash Screen

Time needed: 3 minutes

In this section, we will be looking at how to reset the oil life on a Ford Flex with a dual dash screen. So the first step you need to do is:

  1. Turn on the ignition without starting the engine

    We’re located inside the vehicle now. If your vehicle has a physical key fob blade you’re going to insert the key into the ignition and turn it to the second position to power on the accessories mode

  2. Get the main menu

    Then using the thumb pad on the left side of the steering wheel, you’re going to scroll to the left until you get to the main menu
    change engine oil life light reset

  3. Go to the SETTINGS

    If you’re in one of the side menus you just have to go down to SETTINGS and hit OK

  4. Scroll to the VEHICLE

    After that, go up to VEHICLE and hit OK

  5. Scroll down to OIL LIFE RESET

    Next, go find the OIL LIFE RESET and hit OK

  6. Highlight the percentage you want

    At this point is where you can actually set it to different intervals. So if you’re running like a full synthetic you’d set it to 90 to 100, but if you’re running the synthetic blend you might want to set it to like 50 to 60 so you’re not going too long on the intervals

  7. Hold down OK

    Once you are done with that, we’re going to go ahead and hit hold OK to reset

With Middle Dash Screen

  • First, turn it to the on position so all the lights are gonna come on
  • Then all you do is hit the left button until you get to the main menu 
  • Right here you scroll down to SETTINGS and hit OK
  • Scroll down to OIL LIFE RESET and then you hit OK
  • To reset it you just hold the OK button down and you’ll see it’s loading up and it said oil life reset to a hundred percent

So that’s how you do it, guys. When you turn it on, you’ll see that your Ford Flex is going to start with no saved codes, no oil change light, and your car is ready to go. Hopefully, this helps somebody, and good luck with your DIY oil change. Thank you for your time. Farewell.

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